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Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands gets the performance, Royal Talent for Princess Beatrix, offered by the Royal Conservatory in The Hague.
The Hague, March 14, 2014. Photo: RPE/ Albert Nieboer NETHERLANDS OUT
The Hague 22.03.2014
Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands arrived with the royal train for the opening of the new railway line Hanzelijn in Lelystad. The Hanzelijn is a 50 kilometer new railway between the Randstad and Northeast of the Netherlands. Lelystad, 6 december 2012 Photo: RPE-Albert Nieboer / NETHERLANDS OUT
Lelystad 11.04.2013
Queen Beatrix, Princess Maxima and Prince Willem-Alexander with Turkish President Abdullah Gul and his wife Hayrunissa Gul attends at the second Day of the state visit a concert of the turkish youth Filharmonisch Orchestra at the royal institute for the Tropen in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 18 April 2012. Photo: Albert Nieboer
Amsterdam 29.09.2012
Crown Princess Maxima, Queen Beatrix, Crown Prince Willem-Alexander
Dutch royals attends the 50th anniversary gala of the national ballet at the muziektheater in Amsterdam.
The national ballet is the biggest dance company of the Netherlands. Photo: RPE-Albert Nieboer
Amsterdam 08.04.2012
Dutch Crown Prince Willem-Alexander, Crown Princess Maxima and their daughters Princesses Amalia, Alexia and Ariane at the photosession at the Residencia El Messidor in Villa La Angostura in Argentina where they will have their holidays with family. Photo: RPE-Albert Nieboer
Villa La Angostura 09.04.2011
The Hague, 22-04-2009
Dutch Queen Beatrix
At the second day of the Statevisit swedish King Carl Gustav and Queen Silvia offers a concert and dinner at societeit "De Witte" in The Hague for dutch Queen Beatrix and her family.
Photo: Albert van der Werf/Pool
The Hague 14.10.2009